How to Read a Job Advertisement

At this point, you have selected the job you want to apply for, but how do you make your documents persuasive to this audience?  Here are your actions of strategy.

1.  Read the document over and over.  Look for patterns.  What feeling do you have about the communication?

2.  What job skill is listed first or in the first sentence?  This is a message of priority.

3.  Slowly slowly…read the document.  Highlight the items that they say over and over differently.  For instance, if they say they want excellent public speaking skills, ability to deliver sales information to customers, attend networking meetings, etc. – all of these things are the same thing.  They are presentation skills.

4.  Take stock of these items you noticed.  Cull it down to THEIR top three.  (It’s not about what you want to talk about, it’s what they want to know about you.)

5.  Now order these three.  Which is the most important?

With this information, you can now write a persuasive application letter.  The three items you uncovered as the priorities are your three body paragraphs.


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