Basic 2: Letter, Memo and Email Formats

Three basic message formats in business are the letter, the memo and of course, email.  The article will elaborate when to use which of these.

Letter:  Letter Template

  1.  Most often written in block style.
  2. Includes your contact information, your receiver’s contact information and a signature block
  3.  Most often it’s written to external audiences
  4. Most often written with a more formal (over conversational or casual) tone
  5. Often has the company logo and contact information on the page

Memo:  Memo Example

  1. Most often written in block style
  2. The ‘header’ block includes:  to, from, date, subject, and sometimes includes CC
  3. Most often it’s written to internal audiences
  4. Most often written in a conversational tone and style
  5. Does not have author contact information or signature.  Author may choose to write his/her initials at the bottom of the document or may choose to sign one’s initals on top of one’s name

Email:  Email Example

  1. Most often a shorter document
  2. Be sure to write one topic per email.
  3. Often includes a greeting to the receiver and a signature block of the author
  4. Written in a more conversational to casual tone – depending on the audience


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