Delivery Matters 

‘Good posture takes off 10 pounds and says ‘I am confident.’

Think about it…nonverbal communication is our first language. We first communicate with our body movements.  In fact, according to Dr. Albert Meharbian from the University of California Los Angeles, we believe the body before we believe words.  Fifty-five percent is what we see and 38% is in sound.  That leaves on 7% for our words. We listen to content only after we deem the person trustworthy and credible.  Congruency is key.

When I teach public speaking, we talk about the physical delivery of the message; specifically, we talk about posture, appearance, voice quality, personal energy, and the physical environment.  Not only are these nonverbal behaviors important in presentations, but also in everyday business encounters.  As a business leader, you need to have conscious presence when you enter a room for a meeting and interact with a customers, colleagues or bosses.

Let’s say you are to meet Sally Smith, a potential work associate, for the first time in your office.  In the first 60 seconds of your meeting, you are checking her out and she is checking you out – what is the likability between the two of you.  Here is a list of few initial happenings that impact your first impressions.

1.       Was she early, late or on-time?

2.       Did she enter your office, your domain, with respect?

3.       Did she offer to shake hands? Did she shake hands with the appropriate touch?

4.       Does she stand with confidence?

5.       Did she wait to sit until you invited her to do so?

6.       Did introduce herself with confidence?  Did she offer her business card?

7.       Is she projecting positive energy?  Smiling?

8.       Did she use appropriate eye contact?  Did she look away when she said ‘hello’ or did       she continue eye contact?

9.       Did she talk too loud or too soft or just right?

10.   Could she read me and know when the meeting was concluding?

It turned out that your first impression of Sallie was a positive one, but you start wondering…What impression did I make on her.  Did I present myself well?  As we know, in business, delivery matters. Let’s review five important non-verbals.

Posture.  It’s true, how you hold your body impacts others impression of you.  Try this – walk into your next meeting all slumped over.  Very quickly others will read your posture and interpret your energy.  They will either ask you how you are feeling or run the other way.

Appearance.  We judge others on their appearance; this judging comes naturally.  Our brains are built to protect and solve problems. In order to protect and problem-solve, we categorize.  This categorizing can cause us challenge; we do not always categorize appropriately.  By choosing our clothing, we are choosing a category for classification.  So, what story are you telling?

In business, appearance is a delicate balance.  We need to be authentic, and at the same time, we represent the organization.    Know what story you telling with your clothes, your jewelry, our hairstyle, your shoes, and more.

Voice Quality.  Be sure you talk at a comfortable speed and at a comfortable pitch – not too high or low.  Articulate well.  Use appropriate language.  Last month, a sales representative came into my office, she was well dressed and carried herself with confidence; I was initially impressed…till she spoke.  Very quickly, she revealed she was not yet a professional.  I did not choose to do business with her. Voice quality impacts.

Positive Confident Energy.  Have you watched the television show ‘The Dog Whisperer’ with Cesar Milan? I recommend it for leadership energy understanding.  Cesar teaches humans to be Pack Leaders – to project calm assertive energy for their dog.  Followers want confident leaders.

Try this – next time you are out, maybe at the shopping mall, smile at everyone and watch everyone smile back.  You’ll feel wonderful with the positive energy returning your way.


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