Critical Thinking Decision-making

Think about Your Thinking

Part of being a principled leader and an exceptional problem-solver, is in your ability to examine a topic and not simply take it as truth at first introduction.  This examination takes commitment to delve deeper in into a subject.

I ask you to take time to be thoughtful and reflective in your postings – both your artifacts and in your feedback/feedfoward postings.  Think.  Think Again.

In Dennis Layden’s Critical Thinking in Economics book,  introduces to the following four stages of critical decision-making.

1. Get Clear on Your Question. The first stage of making a decision is getting clear on the problem.  Many people have been fired for solving the wrong problem.  Be SURE you embrace the right question.

2. Know Thyself. In order to make good communication decisions, you need to reflect on your own biases, perspectives and experiences.  The composite of your experiences is the lens with which you see the world.  In order to relate and communicate well, you need to do your best to understand your own filter.  In other words, in what ways are your lens clouded?  Examine and know thyself.

3. Gather Information. After you’ve clarified your question and then examined your motives and perspectives, it’s time to gather information.  Work to gather information from multiple avenues and in scope.  It’s every easy to get off topic with so much information available to us now.  Keep good records.  Be accountable and in integrity.

4.  Analyze the Information & Make a Decision. It’s time now to offer your expert opinion, in the tone and delivery method that fits the situation.  Study the information you gathered, look for patterns and look to answer the question that you asked.  Then after careful consideration, formulate your opinion and deliver it with care.

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